
Lawyers and Law Firms in Oman

This dataset covers the number of lawyers, law firms, and civil law firms registered with the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs in accordance with the provisions of the Advocacy Law. This list provides the aggregate number of lawyers under training, lawyers licensed to appear before the primary courts, lawyers licensed to appear before the courts of appeal, and lawyers licensed to appear before the Supreme Court. This dataset also includes the number of law offices and civil law firms.

Dataset Description

SourceOpen data published by the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs.
Time period coveredJanuary 2022 to May 2022.
Frequency of updateIrregular depending on the frequency of updates of the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs.


MonthThe month in the format YYYY-MM.
LawyersThe aggregate number of lawyers enrolled.
Law Offices and Civil Law FirmsThe aggregate number of law offices (establishments owned by an individual lawyer) and civil law firms (establishments owned by a group of law partners).



More Info

The most recent version of the dataset can be downloaded from MJLA’s website on this link.